Brexit Statement from Paper Plus

December 8, 2020

The UK exited the European Union at the end of January 2020. We were given an 11 month transition period which is now coming to an end. Whilst the nation has spent most of 2020 fixed on pandemic news and new cleaning disciplines, the media is now reflecting on the looming deadline when a deal or no deal trade agreement between the UK and EU shall take effect.

Paper Plus has been working closely with its suppliers to ensure that we mitigate any potential risk within our supply chain. We have looked at the risks from both a deal and no-deal scenario. The following outlines the activity we have put in place for each risk area.


Paper Plus works with a number of suppliers who provide products and raw materials from inside and outside the EU. Products from outside the EU are likely to be unaffected by the changes.

Our supply chain has put in place measures to review alternative routes of entry into the UK, and safety stocks to protect the supply of these products to its customers in the event that new regulations cause disruption to imports from the EU.

Paper Plus has also reviewed its core product lines and ordered in a safety stock supply to help mitigate any risk of transportation delays.


In the event that prices will increase due to the falling value of sterling or new tariffs being introduced to goods or raw materials from the EU, we will be reviewing our prices to ensure we remain competitive and our service continues to add value to our customers.

Any questions, please contact Paper Plus directly:

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