Ways Good Student Posture can Impact Learning and Concentration

December 4, 2017

How Good Student Posture Aids Learning and Concentration

The modern classroom is more student-focused than ever. We all want to give our children the best possible environment in which to learn and flourish. One area that all education professionals can work on is good posture. We now understand the importance of posture in promoting concentration and learning, as well as how crucial it is for good skeletal and muscular health.

There are many ways you can work with your students’ natural tendencies to help them learn more effectively, while also being happier and healthier. We’ve explored some of them in more detail below.


As students continually grow, it’s important to keep an eye on their positioning throughout the year. The aim is to create a position as natural as possible so the student doesn’t have to consciously think about their posture while working. This includes having their feet flat on the floor, and their arms comfortably resting on the desk. Dangling legs and awkward positioning is the enemy here.

The ideal solution is adjustable desks, so the workspace can be tailored to the individual child’s needs. However, we don’t all have access to adjustable desks or ideal seating. A small plastic step can be a practical alternative if a chair is too high for a student.

Also consider the importance of leading by example. If the teacher is doing a passible impression of the Hunchback of Notre Dame every time they write, it might be worth considering including their own needs in a furniture package too!

Movement Breaks

Fidgeting is a completely natural response to having to sit still for long periods. Incorporating a timed movement break can help the students to refocus when they sit back down.

These few minutes can be spent just moving around the class, performing a basic exercise, or even letting their hair down to a favourite song. While it’s a good way to combat excessive fidgeting, it also gives their brains a rest. The physical activity helps increase cognitive functioning, while allowing them to burn off some energy and have a little fun.

Furniture that Supports Good Posture

Correct posture in the classroom is so essential there are European guidelines to help you make the right choices, as laid out in BS EN1729. Using height-appropriate furniture increases student satisfaction, and will likely improve learning over time. We ensure all our furniture is height compliant to EN1729.

Furniture Features to Consider:

  • Sloping tabletops – These are designed to eliminate the need for students to crane their necks forward in order to read or write
  • Higher chairs – The rule of thumb is chairs should be at least one-third our height. Chairs with height adjustment are the ultimate solution.
  • Higher tables – We now know most tabletops should be between 20-30cm higher than traditionally suggested, to create the optimal writing position.
  • Standing desks – The occasional use of a standing desk can be a great way to incorporate a little more variety into your posture.

Use the Whole Classroom

If you perform group activities, such as reading or a class meeting, designate different areas of the classroom for each activity. It may only be a movement to a different part of the same room, but the change of position breaks up the day and helps to maintain focus. The time needed to move from one area to another also acts as a movement break, so the new task is started with students who are mentally fresh and ready to begin!

Take the Weight Off Your Shoulders… and Spine

All of the options available can be a little daunting when considering new classroom furniture, especially if you’re only replacing part of your furniture and want everything to match up.

At Paper Plus we don’t just want to sell you products, we want to make sure you get the best products for you. This includes addressing your needs in a more personal way, factoring in your budget, classroom space, and the way you teach. This is why we are happy to send a consultant to help you navigate the furniture maze. You’re under no obligation to buy from us, but at least you’ll know you are making an informed decision that’s best for your students and your budget.

Don’t forget staff posture too! After all, it’s pointless creating a class of happy well-positioned students while the teacher slumps behind a desk that’s too small for them, on a chair that’s damaging their spine. School support staff, from the busy secretaries to the Head, can all benefit from furniture that is designed with ergonomics in mind.

It’s not just about chairs and tables – with the increasing use of IT, you may also wish to consider monitor arms, which help to keep your gaze at the right level while creating more free space on your desk. For further information on how beneficial these can be you can read the HSE’s Display Screen Equipment guide.

Never Be Afraid to Ask

Our school-centric approach has created a friendly environment, where our customers know they will always receive the highest levels of service in a reliable way. Even if you require assistance with something and you’re not sure if we’ll be able to help, don’t be afraid to get in touch and ask. We’ll always help if we can, and if we can’t, we may still be able to point you in the direction of someone that can!

Paper Plus

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